Tuesday, August 20, 2013


First off let me start by saying I apologize for my absence.

It literally has been weeks. A lot has happened since my last blog. I do feel it is necessary for me to begin this "catch up"  beginning at the Dance School very briefly. Briefly, only because I did not take many notes and forgot some details (sad face) my apologies again.

What I can recall is that a character called The One entered the world. I can remember him telling the entire world to come after me because at that time I was carrying the suitcase with The Nameless One inside of it. After numerous threats from Master Kabir, He and I decided to make a treaty that allowed me 48 hours to put the suitcase away. After this I would allow him to retrieve the suitcase. I doubt he was expecting me to take a full game day to get my part completed.

 It really did take me 3 hours and 45 minutes of physical activities and brain problems to get that task done. Just in case you read that to fast, THREE HOURS AND FORTY-FIVE MINUTES!! It truly is a task to get the suitcase. I did not come up with this process to prove anything to anyone. But only to show that if anything seems to be taking you off your course, anything that maybe distracting you from your true purpose, put it in a suitcase and bury it so far away that you will never want to go back and get it.

Yes. YOU have the BUILT-IN POWER to do that on your own from within.

So now lets fast forward to the next game day and there were more problems, of course. The One was demanding much more and Eldron asked me to do something my mind was not ready for..literally. Plain and simple, Eldron asked me to retrieve something and not even 3 seconds after him telling me, I jumped off the side of the Air Lands ground. Truly. Unexpected.

Now that decision is still a mystery to me. As to what drove me to wanting to jump off and commit suicide?!? The decision was completely THOUGHTLESS and UNINTENTIONAL. For some reason I feel, I just acted on impulse and jumped. Even the Game Master had a look on his face of concern, as if saying,"Did this guy really just jump off killing himself?" Well after having a few minutes to realize what just happened, we came to the conclusion that most-likely the STRESS of holding something cosmically powerful and having everyone after me finally had caught up to me.

As crazy as this all seems, there usually is always a lesson if you pay close attention. I learned that while what I had done was big, I did not take time to sit back and realize it for myself. I did not take a moment to recognize that since I started Mastery Quest this summer, the one person who tricked every person she came in contact with, the one person who used people for her own selfish good, and bribed people to do deeds that she was to scared to do herself , was now in the palms of my hands. I saw her misuse the innocent, start huge rivalries between friends, and lie to questers just to get them to bow down and fear her.

I had a choice to try and put her away, or put her back in the world. I had chosen to put her away and immediately get back to work. Now looking back, immediately getting back to work may have been a little to much so soon. There seems to always be something that needs to get done, but sometimes, every once in a while it is ok to sit back and have a moment for your body and soul to refuel for your next quest. A time to reflect on your accomplishments thus far, to remember those you met along the way, and replenish the lightning bolt we have that sits within. The lightning bolt that is refueling us with courage so we can handle our next quest. I didn't take one single minute to realize what I was doing and it drove me to eventually act on impulse. Remember this though questers. 1) Whether a light being in training or not, every quester has a suitcase they can get rid of to make the world a better place. 2) Yes we all are unique and handle situations differently but don't forget to take a quick moment for yourself, just to reflect on the good things you have done thus far.

1 comment:

  1. I promise, when I get out of this suitcase, you will regret the moment that you ever crossed me. Your propaganda about me will not work either. Someone will come looking for what I have to offer, and I will track you down no matter where you are, no matter what blanket you are hiding under.
