Friday, July 19, 2013


The Nameless One's  name of today's blog...The Nameless Residue..

Today's adventure from my point of view started off helping Riley (Initiate) save The Fairies in the water lands. Later on Anthony also joined to help. The three of us were capable to save The Fairies with completing multiple mental challenges and tedious physical activities. Serious physical activities now that I recall how long it took. I tell you, the things guys will do to save pretty fairies. But in actuality the reason we had to save them was because The Nameless Residue was on a mission to control them. The game master also told me that if she would have gotten complete control of The Fairies, the entire world would have been in EVEN MORE danger than its current situation.

Eventually The Nameless Residue got her hands on the star of power which gave her total control of everyone's allies. If you were guessing that she is going to use an ally in every land to destroy everyone, you guessed right. In doing this she would make the world look as if it were in horrible condition. Which in return would make the judges look at the world as if no one can control the allies and would take them away from everyone completely. Some of us tried to defeat the allies but they were extremely powerful and it seemed like they were hardly ever damaged by our attacks. We realized this wasn't doing any good and finally everyone came together in unity to make a plan. Anthony and Jay-Jay decided to work together and have a world meeting...literally.

The end results involved everyone participating. From one point of view it looked like Jay-Jay was going to The Nameless Residue to join her. But it actually was a distraction to get her into the water lands so Anthony would be able to hack the shadow crystals to retrieve "the star of power." Jay-Jay not only had to surrender one of his governors to her but she wanted one more specific quester captive...yours truly! To fool The Nameless Residue into thinking Jay-Jay was harming me he used "light pain" on me and I would do the physical activity to protect against. She sort of caught on and forced him to prove his worthiness by capturing me. He said he was going to persuade me and then she let him go. But when Jay-Jay came to me we decided to run away where she couldn't find neither one of us. We hide away from the entire game until we heard Anthony say he was complete in hacking the crystals. By the time I returned to the game The Nameless Residue was on Cresent Island next tone of Anthony's droids. He attacked her and caused some barrier around her. She couldn't go anywhere and had to do a physical activity to that moment is where it got crazy.

The Game Master (Kojo) was in no way letting her go down without a fight. To protect he had to do 100 bear crawls, 100 leg-lifts, and 100 teleport twist UNDER 15 MINUTES. We all left the room and followed him into the big room to watch him do the physical challenge. Honestly, that was absolutely incredible. Because I wasn't paying attention I thought the challenge was only 10 minutes so 9 minutes into it, I ran back into the room to get next to the nameless one. But when I came out I was told the challenge was 15 minutes. I ran back into the room to figure out what else we can do, but 13 minutes into it Riley came back into the room telling me to get back to the origianl plan I was thinking of doing. I did my exercises to move back. I came right next to THE NAMELESS RESIDUE..and opened...THE SUITCASE.


I ended today's game in front of the abyss waiting to talk to the Melchizedek's. I will also try and put up a picture so you guys can see THE EIVIL EGG-FACE NAMELESS RESIDUE  inside the suitcase once again! I plan to put her away for a while. The conversation between the Melchizedek's and I did not happen yet but will hopefully begin on Sunday's session. I want some good advice on what to do to her. I kind of wonder if it would be best just to give her back to The Golden Order. But I have some ideas of a tremendously difficult trap if someone was destined to get her out. This adventure shall continue on Sunday!!!!!!

Here are some pictures of me with the suitcase, my two allies and my giant standing in front of the Melchizedeks, some of the Golden Order, and Master Bo!!!


  1. I'll be away for three weeks, coming back Sunday, August 11th. Please update your blog as much as possible as you will be my only source of Mastery Quest feed while I'm away.

  2. The Academy should be ashamed! Try? Even in your language you admit your likely hood of failure. You do tell a good story though. Its to bad you didn't tell the people about how you run and hide until everyone else has done the work, then sneak attack like a serpent when your victim is unaware.

  3. isnt that wat u do evil egg face residue
